
08 January 2014

Taylor Swift song lyrics summarise my life

Yup, TSwift is pretty spot-on with her lyrics.
I Knew You Were Trouble, The Story of Us, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Red among others.


Utterly swamped with work to want to think about anything else! However, there is one little problem that incessantly demands my attention. Am really annoyed but more at myself for not getting over it quickly enough.

I feel that I'm always trapped in this vicious cycle. Fall hard, get hurt, move on to new person, repeat.
The worst thing is I'm not even sure what feeling it is! You don't just meet someone and decide you are in love immediately. Doesn't work like that. Such love will die out in a week.
So... I can only conclude that I am more in love with the idea of being in love than in love. Know what I mean? I can't be the only person who feels that way.

Whatever it is, it doesn't make it any easier to just shut off and go back to being strangers. Once you let someone into your life and feel something for them, you can't just forget them. Unless you get amnesia, which is another story altogether.

I always wish that it'll be easier, that I can meet someone who is like me? Not sure if that's a good thing though...
Some things start out all great and all. I'll be like it's too good to be true. INDEED. It didn't last very long. So perplexing. Then why start it in the first place? I think lots of people are guilty of this? They come on very strong when you don't even expect them to. But after they got your attention, they'll just disappear from your life and leave you wondering WTF? You were just thinking you should consider them and they decide they are not going to stick around? HUH? Who started it?

Seriously, if you are confused and don't know what to do with your life, please just stay home and don't get other people involved. Especially innocent people who don't have a clue what is all this drama about and don't deserve to be dragged into something that is as long and complicated as those taiwanese serials. Not sure which is worse actually. The long dreary taiwanese stories where nothing happens for like 40 episodes or the intense k-dramas which goes from bliss to misery in half an ep.

Worse are the ones who then decide they should do the noble thing and disappear from your life. I mean, hello what is this? You get me affected by you and then you disappear? I haven't even given up on you and your issues and you are saying you are giving up on me? It's so ridiculous that I can't even... The best thing is they think they are so noble and self-sacrificing. Relax please, this is really not a k-drama. You don't need to act like some conflicted protagonist who spouts very intense lines in the pouring rain (without umbrella).
*rolls eyes* I can't even... such a joke. Makes me damn angry when people do this. Watch too many dramas that you can't tell life from a tv show?

Next up, what is with people who like to message but don't like to reply? I think it's basic courtesy to reply? Don't make people feel like they are damn stupid for replying to your message. Nowadays, I'd think twice about replying. At the back of my mind, I'll be like what if I reply and then he doesn't? Then does that mean I was just pranked again? Doesn't make sense to keep falling for such childish pranks. Not even funny.
Don't go saying oh so sensitive. You tell me who is more sensitive? The one who takes offence at people replying after half a day when they themselves don't reply to people AT ALL? Or the person who thinks replying after half a day is a good enough lesson?
I d'no about you but I have no patience with such people. You can do it to me a few times and I would still forget and reply nicely or send a follow-up message. Why? Because I'm a nice person.
After those few times though, I think every one gets sian. What's the point anymore? You'll just think what sort of friend is this? Must not consider me that much of a friend if you can just not reply right? With Whatsapp you can see when people were last active so it's not like they didn't see your message. They saw and they intentionally did not want to reply. What does that mean to you?
Very simply, please delete this person from your contact list.
If you're going to agonise over it and think was I a horrible person, don't. You were not a horrible person, simply not important enough to them. Do yourself a favor and walk away from this evil relationship.

Y'know how some people don't realise how badly they behave? They don't understand why you're mad at them. To them, they didn't do anything wrong. The fact that you are blowing your top means you are in the wrong. Haha, accusing them for no reason. So unreasonable huh?
Yea, like we have nothing better to do with our lives. *rolls eyes*
I can only say you have no eq and are really insensitive. You don't see how you are upsetting others. In that case, the healthy thing is for me to take a step back. Or many many steps back. You want space. Nah, take it. Take forever.

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